The Confederate Cemetery


The Confederate Cemetery has 140 graves of soldiers mortally wounded in the Battle of Raymond, May 12, 1863. The Civil War soldiers, mostly from Tennessee and Texas, died in private residences around the town that served as hospitals. A few probably died of sickness while stationed in the area or died of wounds from various local skirmishes or nearby battles such as Champion's Hill. Those that were killed outright on the battlefield of Raymond were reported to have been buried where they fell by Union soldiers.

In 1985, an effort was initiated by Roger Hansen of Pascagoula to identify the Confederate dead of the Battle of Raymond. A total of 109 were found, based upon the Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers in the National Archives, to have been killed or mortally wounded on the Raymond battlefield. (The Union dead at Raymond were removed after the war by the Federal Government and reinterred in the National Cemetery at Vicksburg.) This compiled list is the first accounting of the Southern heroes that died in and around Raymond as a result of the 12 May 1863 battle, but it should not be considered all inclusive due to the incompleteness of historical records.

In a 1987 ceremony, the new grave markers were dedicated. Members of Stanford's Mississippi Battery, a Civil War reenactment group in authentic uniforms, fired a six-gun salute to the dead. Writer Willie Morris, great-grandson of Civil War Major George Harper who founded the Hinds County Gazette, participated in the ceremonies. Text of Dedication Speech

The Confederate Dead
compiled by Rebecca Blackwell Drake

Abernathy, Samuel H., Co A, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Alexander, Sgt. Robert H., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Allen, Pvt. Benjamin L., Co E, 12th Louisiana Infantry
Allen, Sgt. B. S., Co A, 50th Tennessee Infantry
Alley, William B., Co I, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Bagley, William H., Co A, 41st Tennessee Infantry
Barrett, Patrick, Co K, 10th Tennessee Infantry
Bearden, W.V.S., Co G, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Benerman, John W., Co D, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Bond, Sgt. Thomas J., Co F, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Boney, Henry W., Co K, 7th Texas Infantry
Boone, Capt. Abner S., Co F, 41st Tennessee Infantry
Branerly, Thomas, Co B, 10th Tennessee Infantry
Bryam, Corp. J., Co K, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Callaway, Sgt. Joshua S., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Cannon, W. S., Co B, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Cardin, Sgt. William D., Co A, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Chaffin, Corp. E. C., Co H, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Clark, David, Co F, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Claunch, T. J., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Claxton, W. L., Co H, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Compton, J. L., Co B, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Conner, Pvt. Thaddeus, Co A, 43rd Tennessee Infantry
Cooper, Capt. Robert T., Co C, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Cotton, Corp. John A., Co B, 22nd Mississippi Infantry
Cowden, Sgt. J. T., Co B, 2nd Mississippi Cavalry
Cox, Sgt. Albert J., Co F, 50th Tennessee Infantry
Craft. Jessee, Co E, 7th Texas Infantry
Crigler, E. V., Co B, 7th Texas Infantry
Daughtery, Josiah H., Co F, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Davidson, A., Co C, 7th Texas Infantry
Dotson, J. B., Co K, 7th Texas Infantry
Drown, R. C. S., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Eagan, Richard, Co A, 10th Tennessee Infantry
East, William, Co K, 7th Texas Infantry
Fairchild Sgt. Joseph B. , Co K, 3rd Mississippi Infantry
Featherston, Charles H. F., Co F, 7th Texas Infantry
Fulgam, E. J., Co E, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Franklin, William L., Co A, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Freeman, I. N., Co A, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Freeman, John L., Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Galloway, J. L., Co A, 7th Texas Infantry
Gates, Matthew, Co E, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Gentry, H. D., Co C, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Gollahar, John P., Co B, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Gray, Sgt. L., Co C, 7th Texas Infantry
Grissom, John, Co K, 7th Texas Infantry
Hackney, William F., Co B, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Hagan, J. E., Co E, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Harrison, G. R., Co I, 7th Texas Infantry
Haygood, George W., Co G, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Hearn, James E., Co E, 7th Texas Infantry
Hobbs, C. C., Co K, 7th Texas Infantry
Hobbs, Elijah, Co G, 7th Texas Infantry
Holt, D. J., Co A, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Hudson, James S., Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Hyde, Sgt. James, Co F, 10th Tennessee Infantry
Jackson, Thomas L., Co G, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
James, Benjamin, Co H, 7th Texas Infantry
Johnson, J. M,, Co B, 7th Texas Infantry
Johnson, Sgt. S. M., Co E, 7th Texas Infantry
Kennedy, D., Co H, 7th Texas Infantry
Kidd, 2nd Lt. John C., Co A, 7th Texas Infantry
Lane, Joseph E., Co H, 50th Tennessee Infantry
Hobbs, C. C., Co K, 7th Texas Infantry
Hobbs, Elijah, Co G, 7th Texas Infantry
Holt, D. J., Co A, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Hudson, James S., Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Hyde, Sgt. James, Co F, 10th Tennessee Infantry
Jackson, Thomas L., Co G, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
James, Benjamin, Co H, 7th Texas Infantry
Johnson, J. M,, Co B, 7th Texas Infantry
Johnson, Sgt. S. M., Co E, 7th Texas Infantry
Kennedy, D., Co H, 7th Texas Infantry
Kidd, 2nd Lt. John C., Co A, 7th Texas Infantry
Lane, Joseph E., Co H, 50th Tennessee Infantry
Latham, Starlin, Co I, 7th Texas Infantry
Lawrence, Richard, Co C, 7th Texas Infantry
Levins, Michael, Co D, 10th Tennessee Infantry
Little, C. Frank, Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Lockett, William, Co H, 7th Texas Infantry
Malcy, J.C. , Co I, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Martin, Darby, Co C, 10th Tennessee Infantry
Martin, Felix G., Co B, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Mash, William R., Co E, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Maxey, J. C., Co I, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
May, Thomas B., Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
McAlester, N.A., Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
McClaude, Sgt. John S., Co G, 30th Tennessee Infantry
McElwane, Pvt. Richard C, Co F, 54th Alabama Infantry
Milliard, F. M., Co F, 50th Tennessee Infantry
Morgan, Loveless D., Co C, 7th Texas Infantry
Neal, Robert E., Co G, 7th Texas Infantry
Nelson, Bethel H., Co D, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Orr, Sgt. James B., Co H, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Owens, Stephen, Co B, 7th Texas Infantry
Parker, William R., Co K, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Peavyhouse, Francis M., Co C, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Peavyhouse, Jasper N., Co C, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Penn, William, Co E, 1st Tennessee Infantry
Pitts, Corp. William H., Co K, 30th Tennessee Infantry
Reid, Corp. Alexander, Co K, 37th Mississippi Infantry
Reynolds, W. D., Co I, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Rheney, Pvt. William C., Co C, 57th Georgia Infantry
Rittenburg, 2nd Lt. D. M., Co I, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Roberts, Thomas, Co H, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Rodgers, J. T., Co H, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Ruyle, William A., Co A, 7th Texas Infantry
Scoggin, Benjamin T., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Sharp, J. G., Co C, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Simpson, Thomas P., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Smith, Maj. William H., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Spivey, Benjamin, Co A, 1st Tennessee Infantry
Stanbury, Corp. Robert N. S., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Swords, J. K., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Taylor, Lt. William J., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Taylor, Corp. J. R., Co E, 3rd Tennessee
Walker, Henry R., Co H, 7th Texas Infantry
Walker, Sgt. N.G., Co E, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Walton, J. W., Co F, 50th Tennessee Infantry
White, Pvt. Enoch, Co E, 40th Georgia Infantry
White, 1st Lt. A. H., Co I, 7th Texas Infantry
Williams, Corp. Horace, Co F, 3rd Tennessee Infantry
Wilson, Edward O. Jr., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Wilson, J. W., Co B, 7th Texas Infantry
Woodson, Sgt. William, Jr., Co D, 7th Texas Infantry
Yokeley, S. L., Co I, 3rd Tennessee Infantry

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