Chapel Hill
TEACHER: Miss Grace Harris, Utica, Miss.
TRUSTEES: E. E. Neal, H. A. Hammond, W. B. Slater
LOCATION: This school is 4 miles south of Lebanon, 7 miles east of Utica, and 3 miles northeast of Husband.
GROUNDS: One-acre lot; not very good playgrounds; excellent shade trees; grounds are not in very good condition; no toilets.
BUILDING: $400.00 building; two class rooms; very well lighted ; building is not painted and is in poor repair.
EQUIPMENT: Patent desks; good blackboard: maps; globe; several pictures; several library books; a well; box stove.
ORGANIZATION: One teacher; 8 grades; 18 pupils in district; 16 pupils enrolled; 11.5 daily average; no canning, poultry or corn clubs; no monthly report cards; no flowers in yard. Third Class, making 78 points.
EXPENSES : Total expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 296.00