TEACHER: Miss Leila Ford, Utica, Miss.
TRUSTEES: R. T. Carmichael, Jeff Dean, Leonard Kelly.
LOCATION: This school is 4 miles .southwest of Chapel Hill, 6 miles east of Lebanon, and 5 miles north of Strawbridge.
GROUNDS: One-acre lot; very small playground: a sufficient number of shade trees; grounds are clean but very irregular; no toilets.
BUILDING: $250.00 building; one class room; very well lighted; new roof needed.
EQUIPMENT: Ten patent desks; wood blackboard; no map; no globe; no pictures; no library books; no well; individual drinking cups; box stove.
ORGANIZATION: One teacher; 8 grades; 14 pupils in district; 19 pupils enrolled; 17 daily average; canning and poultry clubs; no corn club; monthly report cards. Third Class, making 78 points.
EXPENSES: Total expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 300.00 |