Survey of the Schools of Hinds County, Mississippi
THE REASON for issuing this bulletin is that we may give information to the public regarding the schools of Hinds County and the colleges within its borders. This information is gladly given because it is good for the public, for the schools, and for the colleges, that it be done. An educational survey of the white schools of this county was made last session by the County Superintendent of Education and the State Rural School Supervisor. Every white school was visited, inspected, and photographed. This bulletin contains information thus obtained. We have endeavored to make this report comprehensive without being voluminous or tiresome; correct, but not cruel, and withal to be helpful to public school officials. We have not recorded the most important element in the schools because we can not do so; this element is the spirit of the school. Some what of this spirit, however, is indicated by the material equipment of the school and by the number of teachers and pupils. It is very gratifying indeed to note that many of the school houses are new and modern. Within the last three years, sixteen consolidated schools have been organized within the county and many new houses have been built. For the purpose of building these houses, bonds have been issued in several districts and in nearly every district a local tax levy is made for supplementing the salaries of the teachers and lengthening the school term. No county Mississippi has made greater progress than Hinds, and for this reason as well for those already given we take pleasure in presenting the result of the survey. The information contained herein regarding the public school system of Jackson has been supplied by Supt. E. L. Bailey. The call special attention to the city public schools because in our opinion they are as good as can be found in the State. In fact, the public schools of .Jackson are of such a high order that we take very great pleasure in showing to the world that the Capital City of the State has a public school system second to none in the State. The new Agricultural High School of Hinds County promises to be a very important factor in the future prosperity of the county. Prof. W. N. Taylor, former assistant State Superintendent of Education, is principal. He has prepared the manuscript for this school. The citizens are justly proud that this additional opportunity for high school education has been given. Information regarding various colleges has been supplied by the heads of these colleges located within the bounds of Hinds County. Indeed it is not necessary for any child to leave Hinds County in order to procure the very best educational advantages that can be procured anywhere in Mississippi. These colleges are of the very highest order and will bear the closest inspection. J. T. CALHOUN, State Rural School Supervisor.