TEACHERS: Miss Pearl Griffin, Utica; Miss Allie Beard, Utica,
TRUSTEES: W. H. Godwin, J. A. Stevens, M. D, Bragg.
LOCATION: This school is 2 miles southwest of Utica and 4 miles northeast of Duke.
GROUNDS: Two-acre lot; insufficient but well kept playgrounds; a sufficient number of small shade trees; grounds in very good condition; one toilet.
BUILDING: $600.00 building; two teachers occupying one class room; poorly lighted; building painted; in good repair and well kept.
EQUIPMENT: Double patent desks; cloth blackboard; maps; globe; a few pictures: nice book case with 85 library books; individual drinking cups; excellent stove.
ORGANIZATION: Two teachers; 8 grade's; 51 pupils in district; 48 pupils enrolled; 21 daily average; no corn club, canning and poultry clubs; no community meetings; monthly report cards; no flowers in yard. Second Class, making 89 points.
EXPENSES: Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$496.00